The community of the world needs art and music collaboration so that it may evolve and use the technology to its own advantage - Garcia Production represents this idea.
Garcia Production was conceived by a group of like-minded musicians who had all become disillusioned with the current state of music in the world. The group was later joined by artists who felt the same way about today's art. We believe that there is a deteriation of quality within all art fields today and we are striving to bring back the quality that has been lost.
Our goals are to reset the path of all art forms, to make all
art collaborate and complement each other and to set an
example of stern view towards all farcical art forms with
shallow views of quality and value. It seems that all art forms have lost their direction and are smothered by the fast approaching future of superficialness that is rapidly sweeping throughout unprepared humanity. We live in the age of fast information and we are influnced by media that is an intermediary in saying "it's ok". To boldly stand up to
Our center is located in the beautiful gulf of Kvarner, surrounded by intact nature, fresh air and the crystal clear sea of the Adriatic. The city of Rijeka is well known as a center of music and art in this part of Croatia and by opening up and embracing the communication technologies we hope to make a change for a better future within the music industry and art scene.
Everyone has the right to enjoy music or any art form for that matter. We truly believe that by exposing people to meaningful enjoyment, the soul has a chance to experience being immersed in the depth of pleasure that gives life its meaning. Unfortunately, due to today's fast paced living, we no longer have time for fine arts. Our quality filtering system isn't prepared for the invasion of information we receive on a daily basis. By giving 100% into earning for a living, at the end of the day we are to tired to live. We drain ourselves and our ability to filter. And yes, we allow low quality to fill our hearts. The result is a fast world with low standards and no values, denied of compassion, truthfulness and tolerance. Humanity has an exclusive right on all true arts and thats why it should be given a chance to rise above itself and give itself a purpose.
The ability to differentiate sophisticated and deep arts from nonsense and mass-produced art is an unbreakable foundation for preserving a standard for our future. By starting at the ground zero of the problem, we aim to change the path of the future by providing better results for all our clients who wish to create true art, as opposed to shallow-speed mass-produced results, and to provide a stable knowledge foundation for all our music and art students.
the mass-produced nonsense that is poisoning our youth and denying our future, where a 1 tonne rock is being sold as a "master piece" for 1000000$, our moto is - "No, it's not ok, we can do better, we will be better!"